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eLearning resource during corona-virus outbreak

About Our Faculty

Faculty of Technology, as the leading technology faculty in Sri Lanka, is serving the nation by providing higher education opportunities for the prospective undergraduates who enroll to the Sri Lankan university system through the GCE Advanced Level Technology stream.


These departments offer Bachelor of Technology Honours Degrees in the fields which are highly demanded in Sri Lanka. These degree programs are fulltime four years professional degree programs which are offered at Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) Level 6.

Benchmarked offspring of the Sri Jayewardenepura Family; the Faculty of Technology was established in January, 2016 upon the approval of the University Grants Commission and the publication of Gazette Extraordinary (No. 1948/59 Order under Section 27(1), The Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978) by the Ministry of Higher Education and Highways of Sri Lanka. Faculty of Technology, as the leading technology faculty in Sri Lanka, is serving the nation by providing higher education opportunities for the prospective undergraduates who enroll to the Sri Lankan university system through the GCE Advanced Level Technology stream.

The strategy behind is to harness the talents of the youth to capture the advantage of relevant emerging technologies to drive the economy by providing an education that encompasses competencies to satisfy the needs of the society. Fully fledged faculty is now located in Pitipana, Colombo (Techno Park of the Western Province Mega Polis Development Plan).

News & Updates

Sports activities at FOT

University of Sri Jayewardenepura – Physical Education Unit have updated the website with sports practice dates, time and team captains contact numbers – http://sports.sjp.ac.lk/category/sports/ The FOT premises has table tennis board and few other sports items, which are issued to students. Also as per several requests, the Physical Education Unit and the Faculty of Technology...
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Presidential Awards for Inventions – 2020

Congratulations to our academic staff members, Dr. Chathuri Senanayake from the Department of Biosystems Technology and Dr. Rajitha Gunaratne from the Department of Materials and Mechanical Technology on receiving the prestigious “Presidential Awards for Inventions – 2020” at the recent ceremony organized by the Sri Lanka Inventors Commission. Dr. Senanayake and Dr. Gunaratne were honoured...
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Students’ Orientation Programme Batch 2022/2023

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Video Tour in the Faculty of Technology

Virtual tour into New Faculty of Technology complex at Pitipana, Homagama