Frequently Asked Questions

What is the correct name of the degree program offered by the Department of Materials and Mechanical Technology?

Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honors Degree (BBST Honours)

What is the duration of the degree program?

04 years

What are the areas of study offered by the department?

  1. Automobile Technology
  2. Mechatronics Technology
  3. Polymer Processing Technology

What is the SLQF level of the degree program?


What is the duration of the Internship/Industrial Training program?

06 months

Are there any possibilities for graduates to peruse their higher studies?

Yes, a wide range of opportunities will be available for graduates to enroll in Master or PhD programs both locally and internationally.

What type of services available in the Department for outsiders?

Instrumentation and Analytical Services, Consultations and outreach activities Workshops for Advanced Level School Teachers, Professionals, Certificate and Diploma courses