Winner at Google IO Extended Sri Lanka 2018 by Dialog

Harshana Serasinghe, an undergraduate from the Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura celebrated a triumph for being a member of the team which has won the Second Best Android app at the Google IO Extended Sri Lanka 2018.

Google IO Extended Sri Lanka is a quite eventful occasion that resembles the Google IO, Google’s biggest annual developer conference, where everything related to Google gets announced. While bringing out the amusement, the excitement and that extraordinary digital flair in the actual conference, once again in this year 2018, Dialog Ideamart in collaboration with GDG Sri Lanka hosted the Google IO Extended Sri Lanka 2018 conference at the Sri Lanka Exhibition and Convention Center on the 8th and 9th of May 2018.

There were several interesting presentations and speeches by famous individuals, creating an inspiration amongst the crowd Google IO Extended Sri Lanka 2018 Awards was a fascinating event that celebrated the favourites of the year under several categories such as YouTuber of the Year, Sri Lankan Android App of the Year, Tech Startup of the Year, Tech Blogger of the Year, Best Ideamart App Based on Google Technologies, and Tech Startup Female Entrepreneur of the Year etc.

The avurudu app ‘KohoKoho’ designed by the ICT students at FOT was nominated under Sri Lankan Android App of the year and secured the Second Place, whilst ‘Helakuru’ and  ‘Pickme’ reserved their places as the first and the third in the category, respectively.

The amazing team behind this achievement who made our Faculty shine and University proud is Adhisha Gammanpila, Harshana Serasinghe, Tehani Wanniarachchi, Ishan Dissanayake, Kanchana Godage, Geeth Maduranga and Nishavi Ranaweera, undergraduates from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.


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