Department of Biosystems Technology

“The Department of Biosystems Technology strives to graduate highly innovative, industry-focused, and professional Biosystems Technologists by providing an education that encompasses competencies to help create new technologies for the well-being of society and enhancement and protection of natural resources and ecosystems sustainably.”

Welcome to the Department of Biosystems Technology at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Whether you are a prospective undergraduate or postgraduate student, research collaborator, alumnus, or enthusiast in biosystems technology, our people, programs, research projects, and laboratory facilities have something to offer you.

Our Department is dedicated to the advancement of the undergraduate education in Biosystems Technology and to the conduct of research under its many diverse spectra of applications. We develop, apply, discover, and disseminate knowledge in Biosystems Technology towards the sustainable production, management and utilization of biological resources.

The Department of Biosystems Technology (BST), University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ), is one of the largest and well-established Departments within the Technology Faculties in Sri Lanka. The BST Department currently accommodates over 260 undergraduate students, 40 postgraduates, 20 Academic Staff Members, 12 Academic Support Staff Members, 10 Technical Officers and Laboratory Personnel. The key strength of the Department is the highly qualified Academic Staff, with each member having postgraduate qualifications from a reputable University in the country or abroad and is also well-recognized in their respective field of research.

The BST Department offers the Bachelor of Biosystems Technology (BBST) Honors Degree, a 04-year professional degree. In our degree program, Biosystems Technology students learn to integrate and apply the knowledge of science, engineering, technology, and management to develop sustainable solutions to issues associated with biosystems under three specializations. After completing the first year, students will be asked for their intended specialization. Then, based on their academic standing and preference, students will be assigned to one specialization area in which they major. 

The BST Department offers the Bachelor of Biosystems Technology (BBST) Honors Degree, a 04-year professional degree. In our degree program, Biosystems Technology students learn to integrate and apply the knowledge of science, engineering, technology, and management to develop sustainable solutions to issues associated with biosystems under three speciality or focus areas. After completing the first year, students will be asked for their intended speciality area. Then, based on their academic standing and preference, students will be assigned to one speciality area in which they major.

The BBST academic programme is well supported by its and up-to-date curriculum and fully-fledged modern laboratory infrastructure which facilitate to perform practical sessions and research. The BBST academic program provides well-rounded teaching, research and outreach experience for students to engage with the multidisciplinary working environment in today’s world. The vibrant group of students and Academic Staff at BST Department conduct a diverse range of novel research projects and designs in Agriculture Technology, Environmental Technology, Food Processing, Biotechnology, Bioprocessing Technology, Biomaterials, and Nanotechnology. We welcome industrial and academic collaborations that foster academic quality and impactful research culture!

Our BBST Honors Degree program is currently in the process of obtaining accreditation from the National Biotechnology Industry Association (NBIA).

The BST department offers Honors Degree in the following specializations
Agriculture and Environmental Technology
Food Processing Technology