Dr. (Eng). Thushan C Ekneligoda

Senior Lecturer Grade I
Specialization: Geotechnology


Academic Building (B3)-Room 108
Department of Civil and Environmental Technology
Faculty of Technology
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Mahenwatte, Pitipana North
Homagama 10200
Sri Lanka

Email: ekneligoda@sjp.ac.lk


PhD in Civil Engineering(Geomechanics), Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

MSc in Environmental Engineering and Sustainability, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

MPhil in Concrete Technology, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

B.Sc. Engineering (Honours) (Civil Engineering), University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Personal Profile

Dr. Thushan Ekneligoda has more than 20 years of experience in teaching geotechnical and structural engineering, he has an extensive experience in numerically modelling underground coal gassifiction and geothermal sites. Dr Thushan completed his first post-doctoral research fellowship in Seoul Nationla University South Korea. During that period he carried out an extensive study of extraction of geothermal energy. Then he joined the university of Nottingham. He spent two years in Nottingham. In addition to his main research he carried out teaching for the 1st and 3rd year students.

In addition to his academic contributions he worked as a consultant engineer for two years in Itasca Gomechanic in Sweden. He carried out modelling of nuclear waste disposal sites, underground mining sites, many models related to slope stability during this period. Dr Thushan completed his PhD at Royal institute of technology in Sweden. He read his MSc also in the same university.

Positions Held

  • Since December, 2020Senior Lecturer (G I), Department of Civil & Environmental Technology, Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka
  • July 2016 - December 2020Senior Lecturer (G I), University of Wits, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • April 2014 – May 2016 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow and (Part Time) Lecturer/Marker, University of Nottingham, UK
  • June 2013 – Feb 2014 Senior Lecturer (G I) at the Open University of Sri Lanka
  • Jan 2012 – March 2013 Senior Research fellow at the Seoul National University South Korea
  • May 2010 – December 2011 Senior Lecturer (G II) at the Open University of Sri Lanka
  • 2008 December –Feb 2010 Itasca Geomechanics, Stockholm Sweden

Awards, Distinctions, and Memberships

  • 2019A member of Publication Committee International Conference in Geomechanics CapeTown
  • 2002SIDA scholarship to conduct MSc studies at Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Sweden
  • 1999Best civil engineering research project in Structural engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
  • Associate Member, Institute of Engineers, Sri Lanka (AMIESL)

Research Interests

Modelling of geothermal reservoirs
Modelling of underground coal gasification sites
Modelling of CO2 storing sites
Design of deep foundations
Modelling of porous materials


Journal Articles

Ekneligoda T.C, Estimating elastic moduli of sandstones using two-dimensional pore space image 2019, SAICE (The Journal of South African Institute of Civil Engineering)

EkneligodaT.C, MarshallA.M, 2018, Acoupledthermal-mechanical numerical model of underground coal gasification (UCG) including spontaneous coal combustion and its effects (pp 31-38)

Ekneligoda T.C, Numerical modelling of ground subsidence including spontaneous combustion and its effects in a horizontally fractured underground coal gasification site (Submitted, September, 2017 Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallugy)

Yang L-T, Marshall, A.,Wanatowski D., Stace, R.,EkneligodaT.C.,2017. Effect of high temperature on sand stone-a CT scanning study, International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics,.

Ekneligoda T.C., Yang L.T., Wanatowski D., Marshall A.M., Stace L.R., 2017. Modelling ground subsidence at an underground coal gasification site, Journal of South East Asian Geotechnical engineering 48(4)-pp 151-154.

EkneligodaT.C.,MinK.B.,2014.Determination of optimum parameters of doublet system in a horizontally fractured geothermal reservoir, Renewable Energy,65, pp 152-160.

Ekneligoda T.C., Henkel H., 2010. Interactive spatial analysis of lineaments,Comp &Geosci, vol. 36, pp. 1081-1090.

Henkel H., Ekneligoda T.C., 2010.The extent of impact induced fracturing from gravity modelingof the Granby and Tvären simple craters, Sweden. Tectonophysics, vol. 485, pp.290-305.

Ekneligoda T.C., Zimmerman R.W., 2007. Shear compliance of two-dimensional pores possessing N-fold axis of rotational symmetry. Proc Roy. Soc. Lond. A, vol. 464, pp. 759-775.

Ekneligoda T.C., Zimmerman R.W., 2006. Boundary Perturbations solution for nearly circular holes and rigid inclusions in an infinite elastic medium, ASME J. Appl. Mech., vol. 75, paper 011015.

Ekneligoda T.C., Zimmerman R.W., 2006. Compressibility of two-dimensional pores having n-fold axes of symmetry, Proc Roy. Soc. Lond. A, vol. 462, pp. 1933-1947.

Ekneligoda T.C., Henkel H., 2006. The spacing calculator software – A Visual Basic program to calculate spatial properties of lineaments, Comp &Geosci, vol. 32(4), pp. 542-553.

Ekneligoda T.C., 2015, A design nomogram for a horizontally-fractured geothermal reservoir to determine the production temperature, Engineer, Vol XLVIII, pp 35-41.

Dias W.P.S., Nanayakkara S.M.A., Ekneligoda T.C., 2003. Performance of concrete mixes with OPC-PFA blends, Mag. Concr. Res., vol. 55(2), pp. 161-170.

Books / Book Chapters

Henkel H., and Ekneligoda T.C, 2021, Gravity modelling of complex impact structures – constraining density by strain distribution, ISBN 978-91-519-0291-3.

Henkel H., Hietala S., Plado J., Ekneligoda T.C, 2022 The 20km diameter Dellen impactstructrure central Sweden, ISBN 978-91-519-0292-

Conference Participation / Papers

Dube T, Hintsa A., and Ekneligoda T.C, Comparison of different pile settlement prediction methods, international conference in innovative engineering and technology, Colombo, November 2021.

ChikondoP.,Nhase L., and Ekneligoda T.C, Prediction and mitigation techniques of ground vibration due to driven piles,, International conference in innovative engineering and technology, Colombo, November 2021.

ChoonooK., Dlamini F., and Ekneligoda T.C, Application of geo-synthetic materials for the improvement of sub bases in South African roads, International conference in innovative engineering and technology, Colombo, November 2021.

Ekneligoda T.C, Comparison of two different sites to select as underground coal gasification sites, International conference in innovative engineering and technology, Colombo, November 2021.

Ekneligoda,T.C., Shear compliance of arough – wall edporeinaninfiniteelasticmedium using
Boundary Perturbations solution(17th African regional conference, 2019 in Cape Town)

Ekneligoda, T.C., Determination of the Optimum Parameters associated of a Geothermal Reservoir (17th African regional conference, 2019 in Cape Town)

Hlophe,N.,T.CEkneligoda,Comparisons of different pilecapacity predictions methods 7th African Young Geotechnical Engineering conference, 2019, Cape Town)

Makotanyane, M., Ekneligoda, T.C, The laboratory estimation of soil –pile interaction parameter using the large direct shear test(7th African Young Geotechnical Engineering conference, 2019, Cape Town)

EkneligodaT.C.,Prediction of ground subsidence in a horizontally fractured underground coal gasification site (2017, Johaneesburg, South Africa).

Ekneligoda T.C., Yang L.T., Wanatowski D., Marshall A.M., Stace L.R., Modelling ground subsidence at anunder ground coal gasification site, 19th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference & 2nd AGSSEA Conference (19SEAGC & 2AGSSEA), Kuala Lumpur, 31 May 2016.

Wanatowski D., Yang L.-T., Ekneligoda, T.C., Marshall A.M. and Stace L.R, Effects of High Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Sandstone, 2nd South East Asian geotechnical conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 31st October 2015.

Ekneligoda,T.C.,YangL.-T.,WanatowskiD.,MarshallA.M.,Stace,L.R.,Thevariationofground subsidence due to the change in geomechanical propertiesin an underground coal gasification site. 16th International Academic Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovations, Colombo, 24thDecember, 2015.

Ekneligoda T.C., Yang L.T., Wanatowski D., Marshall A.M., Stace L.R., A numerical model to capture the geotechnical response at an underground coal gasification site, Geomechanics and energy workshop, Celler Saal, Germany, 15 October, 2015.

Ekneligoda T.C., Yang L.-T., Wanatowski D., Marshall A.M., Stace, L.R.,A fully developed thermal mechanical coupled numerical model to capture the spontaneous coal combustion and its effect at Wiczorek site in Poland,7th international conference in mining science and technology, Xuzhou, China, 24-24 April 2015. 11. Yang L.-

T., Ekneligoda T.C., Wanatowski D., Marshall A.M., Stace, L.R. ,Experimental study on the mechanical properties of sand stones at high temperature,7th international conference in mining science and technology Xuzhou, China, 24-28 April 2015

Costa M. B. M D., Dasanayaka, D. D. T., Tantirimudalge M. N., Udamulla K. M. L. A. , and Ekneligoda T. C., A comparative study of concrete properties using coconut shells with fiber and without fiber as coarse aggregate,, 5th International conference on sustainable built environment, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 12 – 15 December, 2014.

Min K. B., Jeon S., Kim H., Jung J. W., Xie L., and Ekneligoda T. C., 2013,Geomechanics study in Pohang Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Project in Korea,6th Rock Stress Symposium in Sendai, Japan,20-22 August 2013.

Ekneligoda T.C., and Min K.B., Determination of optimum parameters of doublet system in a horizontally fractured geothermal reservoir, 2nd Asia pacific Forum on renewable energy, Cheju, South Korea,22-23 November 2012.

Ekneligoda T.C., Estimating the shear modulus of sandstones using two-dimensional pore space images. International conference in geo system engineering organised by Korean society for Geosystem engineering, Soeul, South Korea, 2012

Henkel H., and Ekneligoda T.C., The impact induced damage zone – from gravity modelling of two simple craters. International conference in damage to target rocks during Impact Cratering, Oslo, Norway, June 6-9, 2010.

Ekneligoda T.C., and Zimmerman R.W., Estimating the elastic moduli of sandstones usingtwo-dimensional pore space images, Proc. Int. Conf. Soil Rock Eng., Colombo, SriLanka,6-11 August 2007.

Ekneligoda T.C., and Zimmerman R.W., Effect of small-scale roughness on the pore compressibility of porous media, Proc. ASCE Eng. Mech. Conf., Blacksburg,Virginia, 3-6 June 2007.

Ekneligoda T.C., and Zimmerman R.W., Effective elastic moduli of two-dimensional materials containing pores with an N-fold axis of symmetry, Proc. ASME Mech.Conf.“McMat 2007”, Austin, Texas, 3-7 June 2007.

Ekneligoda T.C., and Zimmerman R.W.,Estimating the elastic moduli of porous materialsusing effective medium theory and two-dimensional pore Space images, Proc. 15th U.S.Nat. Cong. Theor. Appl. Mech., Boulder, Colorado, 25-30 June 2006.

Ekneligoda T.C., and Henkel H., Spatial properties of VLF lineaments using a Visual Basic programme, Proc. 14th Ann. UK GIS Res. Conf., Nottingham, UK, 5-7 April 2006.

Dias W.P.S., Nanayakkara S.M.A., Ekneligoda T.C., De Silva W.S.A, and Fernando H.B.S., Properties of PFAblended cement in concrete, International Symposium on Asian Concrete Model Code, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 22-23 March 2000.

Other Publications

Potyondy D., Ekenligoda T.C., Fälth, B., 2009, Simulating spalling preliminary feasibility study, (Submitted to SKB- Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management).

Jonsson M., Hakami H., Ekneligoda T.C., Lanaro F.,2009, Analysis of the effect of vibrations on the bentonite buffer in the canister hole (Submitted to SKB- Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management).

Ekneligoda T.C., Mas Ivars D., Hakami E.,2010, A numerical model to capture the hanging wall subsidence (Submitted to LKB Mining company, Sweden)

Dias W.P.S., Nanayakkara S.M.A., Ekneligoda T.C., De Silva, W.S.A. and Fernando, H.B.S.,2000, Properties of PFA blended cement in concrete,(Submitted to Puttalam Cement Company Limited, Sri Lanka)


• Introduction to Mechanics of Materials

• Materials and Structures

• Structural Elements

• Numerical Simulation for Geotechnology

• Rock Mechanics