Frequently Asked Questions

What is the name of the degree program offered by the Department of Information and Communication Technology?

Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology Honors Degree (BICT Honours)

What is the duration of the degree program?

4 Years

What are the areas of study offered by the department?

  • Software Technology
  • Network Technology
  • Multimedia Technology

What is the SLQF level of the BICT degree program?


What is the duration of the Internship/Industrial Training program?

06 months

Are there any possibilities for ICT graduates to peruse their higher studies?

Yes, a wide range of opportunities will be available for ICT graduates to enroll in Master or PhD programs both locally and internationally.

What are the penalties for academic fraud and plagiarism?

Penalties mentioned in the Students’ Handbook under the chapter “Rules and regulations on examinations, examination offences and punishments” apply to all the students. However, the lecturer in charge of the course has the authority to determine if an offence should reach the ethics board. This will be determined in accordance with the gravity of the offence

What should be done if a student fails continuous assessments?

The student(s) who fail continuous assessments should redo continuous assessments as advised by the lecturer of the respective course module.